Guy Goes On Holiday With His Mum, Ends Up Partying With FIVE Porn Stars

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When you picture a family holiday, it’s filled with a relaxing, yet activity-filled agenda. Unlike those ‘lads on tour’ trips where you don’t recall how you got that wonky tattoo on your bum – spending quality time with your mum and sister by the pool and relaying family stories over a few drinks is usually what goes down. But for one lucky guy his family holiday took a turn for the better as he ended up partying with some very special guests.

Dave (who doesn’t wish for his identity to be disclosed) was fresh out of high school and celebrating his graduation with his mum and sister at the Grand Wailea Resort in Maui, Hawaii. But little did he know that there were a team of five famous lovely ladies who were also spending their week at the same resort. Who you may ask?


Well as it would happen, it was the 31st birthday of a very famous American pornstar. Her and her four other pornstar friends were all staying at the resort for that week. Lucky Dave – what would his mother have to say? Find out what happened with Dave and the girls on the next page.

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