McGhee Sextuplets Recreate Viral Photo 6 Years Later

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Today the adorable Ohio-based McGhee sextuplets turn 6 years old – happy birthday to them! Remember their family portrait that went viral in 2010? Four cute little boys and two little girls sleeping on their father… Pretty hard to forget. Well now, 6 years later, they’ve recreated the photo using the same photographer and studio. The results are absolutely adorable!

The sextuplets – Olivia, Madison, Rozonno Jr., Josiah, Elijah and Isaac – and their parents are also starring in a new UP show ‘Growing Up McGhee’, which premiered yesterday. It’s about how parents Rozonno and Mia balance their day-to-day life with caring for the sextuplets while juggling the needs of their family carpet and upholstery cleaning business.

More info: Twitter | Facebook (h/t: today)




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