Here’s How To Find Out How Much Google Knows About You

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It’s scary how much Google knows about us. From every embarrassing ailment to our endless streaming of not-exactly-legal Game of Thrones episodes, there’s a hell of a lot we wouldn’t want people finding out about. And if you’ve got your Google account connected to your phone, then they also know everything you’re doing on there, too.

We often forget that by simply googling the things, we’re giving away a lot of information about our lives. A quick run through my search history, for example, reveals where I’ve been on holiday, where I’m moving house to, and how much pizza I’ve been ordering. No one should ever know the dark and secret truth of the latter.


It turns out that there’s a very easy way to see exactly what info Google has on you, including the total number of searches you’ve ever done and which sites you visit the most. Head over to the next page to reveal exactly how to do this. But a word of warning: you might not want to be reminded.

The post Here’s How To Find Out How Much Google Knows About You appeared first on Viral Thread.

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