Horrifying Footage Shows Abusive Cop Nearly Killing Teen For No Reason

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Last month former police officer Timothy Runnels sat in the Kansas City courthouse to receive his lengthy prison sentence of four years in a federal prison. Why? He was responsible for putting a minor into a cardiac arrest after tasing him.

Seventeen-year-old Bryce Masters was stopped by the Missouri police officer when driving to play Xbox at his friend’s house in 2014. Only now has a video surfaced of a dash cam showing the brutal moments of what happened to Masters during this rogue arrest. The video reveals how Runnels did not only treat him awfully, but abused his power as an officer by using his weapons in a reckless and unnecessary manner.


Runnels can be seen in the above picture handcuffing the boy, and forcing him out of the car. Want to see what happens next? Click onto the next page to watch the full shocking video. 

The post Horrifying Footage Shows Abusive Cop Nearly Killing Teen For No Reason appeared first on Viral Thread.

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