Netflix Just Ranked Shows On How ‘Binge-Worthy’ They Are, What’s The Best Pick?

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Those of us with a Netflix account know the true joy of settling down to a full day of binge-watching, ordering takeaway and generally being the biggest laziest slobs possible. While the guilt of having such a day can be too much for some people, there is a select inner circle of Netflix addicts (myself included) who have no qualms with cancelling an entire day’s plans to sit back, relax, and devour an entire pizza.

It turns out that Netflix is well and truly aware of the nation of addicts they’ve created, and they’ve been busy analysing exactly which shows are the most bingeable. They’ve created a chart called the Binge Scale, which ranks shows from “savour”, which are shows users view for less than two hours per day, to “devour”, which is defined as shows watched for more than two hours per day.


Cindy Holland, the vice president of original content at Netflix, said:

“As the Binge Scale indicates, the viewing experience of a series can range from the emotional to the thought-provoking. Netflix helps you to find a series to binge no matter your mood or occasion, and the freedom to watch that series at your own pace – whether that’s to appreciate the drama of Bloodline or power through Orange is the New Black.”

Head over to the next page to see exactly where your favourite shows rank on the scale, and if you’re in the mood to get bingey, which would be the best to pick.

The post Netflix Just Ranked Shows On How ‘Binge-Worthy’ They Are, What’s The Best Pick? appeared first on Viral Thread.

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