Prince Harry Has A New Celeb Girlfriend And You’ll Be Pretty Surprised About Who She Is

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As part of his many responsibilities, Prince Harry attended the Audi Polo Challenge last weekend along with his brother William and A-list guests including Tom Hardy and Chris Hemsworth. But one of the guests in particular appeared to have caught the attention of the 30-year-old royal. It is rumoured that there may be a celebrity fling on our horizons people.

Prince Harry’s previous relationship with Cressida Bonas ended in 2014, so he has been playing the field for two years now. A celebrity singer was captured numerous times by his side and the pair have been getting quite close since they met back in 2011.


So who is this mystery woman? It seems the prince seems to have been sent ‘Starry Eyed’ by Ellie Goulding, with the becoming firm friends since she sang at his brothers wedding. There’s more though; click onto the next page to find out more about their budding romance.

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