This Parrot Witnessed A Horrible Murder And Now He Can’t Stop Saying These Three Words

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Martin Duram, 45, was shot and killed in his Michigan home back in 2015 in what police first thought was a double murder. Police also found his wife, Glenna, in the home with a gunshot wound to the head. It took an hour for them to realise that she was still alive.

Michigan State Police later changed their theory after they found three suicide notes written by Glenna herself. She’s now officially considered a suspect, and police believe she may have shot Martin five times before turning the gun on herself.

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So how does this all relate to a parrot? Martin’s relatives now believe his final moments were imprinted in the memory of his pet bird, an African grey parrot. Martin’s mother, Lillian Duram, said: “That bird picks up everything and anything, and it’s got the filthiest mouth around.”

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Martin Duram

It appears that Bud, the parrot, continues to relive the horrors he witnessed by repeating things aloud in his dead owner’s voice. Bud’s voice mimics both Durham and his wife, a video of which you can see over on the next page. What’s really creepy, however, is the one line he seems to be unable to stop repeating: “Don’t f*cking shoot.”

The post This Parrot Witnessed A Horrible Murder And Now He Can’t Stop Saying These Three Words appeared first on Viral Thread.

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