This Adorable Dog-Sized Rescue Rabbit Is Looking For A New Home

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Both the words “continental” and “Atlas” suit this dog-sized rabbit who was recently put up for adoption with the Scottish SPCA. The 7-month-old giant continental rabbit, who as an adult might weigh more than 7kg or 15lb, is in desperate need of a home. Help him, Pandas…you’re his only hope!

“Atlas is already about the size of a westie and is still young with some growing to do,” said the SPCA. “He is a very friendly rabbit who loves attention and getting cuddles…We are looking for a specific home for Atlas due to his breed and size. A standard rabbit hutch won’t do so his new owner will need plenty of space for him.”

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Meet Atlas, the giant continental rabbit


“Atlas is already about the size of a westie [dog] and is still young with some growing to do”


“He is a very friendly rabbit who loves attention and getting cuddles”


“Atlas is also an inquisitive boy who makes everyone laugh with his mischievous character”


“We are looking for a specific home for Atlas due to his breed and size. A standard rabbit hutch won’t do so his new owner will need plenty of space for him.


Image credits: Scottish SPCAJames Williamson

See Atlas live below:

Do you live in Europe and have the room and experience to adopt a giant rabbit? If so, call the SPCA on 03000 999 999

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