How You See Yourself vs How Your Dog Sees You

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We all know what cats think of us. They hate us and they want to overthrow the human race. But only once we’ve fed them first. What about dogs though? Ever wondered how they view us? Well Illustrator Kelly Angel has and she’s drawn the pictures to prove it.

We often think of our relationship with our dogs in very linear terms. We are their owners, they are out pets. It’s easy to forget that from a dog’s perspective we’re actually so much more. Think you’re an average Joe? Not to your dog you’re not! Total disaster in the kitchen? Your dog thinks you’re a master chef! Feeling worthless? To your dog you’re the best thing ever! So next time you’re feeling down, just stop and think: “Yeah, but what does my dog think of me?” You’re sure to feel better. Never do it with cats though. You’ll only feel worse.

More info: BarkPostanythingcomic

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

How you see yourself vs how your dog sees you

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