How To Create A Mini Cardboard Kitchen For You Toddler

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We all know that a Mother’s love has no boundaries and she will do everything and anything for her family and kids.

One Pinay Mompreneur, Rodessa Villanueva-Reyes shared her before-and-after DIY project on Facebook, and it gained over 1000k likes and over 100 comments from fellow parents.

Check out the photos below, and be inspired! Now you have a reason not to throw your cardboard boxes!

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Mom created a mini play kitchen made of cardboard boxes that she collected from friends


She started by aligning the cardboard boxes

 Then she drew cutting lines for the doors, oven, etc

She used vinyl stickers and white cartolina to cover-up the boxes

To jazz up the mini kitchen, Mommy Rodessa used her daughter’s existing kitchen toys to complete the look

To make it more exciting, she printed out a signage “Audrey’s Cafe & Restaurant” made from an illustration board, and pasted it using glue

To make the sink, she uses her existing 6×2 baking pan. The faucet is made from an empty hand-soap bottle

The oven range switches are made from jar caps

…. and tadah! Her little kitchen-diva is definitely happy with the result

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