This Crazy New Instrument Uses 2000 Marbles To Make Music

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Ever looked at a marble and thought “Hey, I could make music with those things!” No? Well, me neither, but Martin Molin of Swedish band Wintergatan did, and we’re seriously glad about that, because what he’s invented is nothing short of genius.

Taking two years to complete, The fantastically complex Wintergatan Marble Machine is comprised of 3000 internal parts and uses 2000 marbles to make music. The instrument is built largely from wood and is operated by a perplexing array of manually-operated pulleys, gears and levers. It even uses LEGO Technic parts! Check out the pictures below to see this amazing machine for yourself.

Words can’t really do justice to the beautiful music created by this amazing instrument so you’re just going to have to watch the video. I’m sure you’ll agree that Molin’s hard work has certainly paid off. That’s what we call using your marbles!

More info: Wintergatan

First, watch the video. Words just can’t describe it!

Swedish musician Martin Molin took 2 years to complete his crazy music machine


The Wintergatan Marble Machine is comprised of 3000 internal parts and uses 2000 marbles to make music


The instrument is built largely from wood and is operated by pulleys, gears and levers.


It even uses LEGO Technic parts!


The machine is too big to move without being dismantled


But the musician wants to build a smaller one so he can take it on tour


We hope he does because we can’t wait to see this amazing machine in action!


Here’s the making of:

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