21 Pieces Of Technology That Are Never Coming Back From The Dead

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We like to think of technology as futuristic, shiny apparatus that makes our lives easier and makes us more efficient than ever before. In reality however, much of the technology we come across on a day-to-day basis is just a disaster waiting to happen. From ancient motherboards to filthy keyboards, much of the technology we use at work and at home should have been thrown out around the same time that Windows XP was released.

Now thanks to our friends over on subreddit r/TechSupportGore, we can all now appreciate the sights that give IT guys and gals recurring nightmares. So sit back, relax and get ready to order yourself a new keyboard, stat.

1. Deliver the internet, please


2. The cooling fan must be hench


3. Can it print me a new pair?


4. I think I’ve found the bug


The post 21 Pieces Of Technology That Are Never Coming Back From The Dead appeared first on Viral Thread.

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