You Won’t Believe What Rebecca Black Is Up To Now

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Widely credited with singing the worst song ever written, Rebecca Black burst onto the world music scene back in 2011 with her track Friday. Derided by the mainstream media and serious music critics alike, Black nevertheless went viral with her pop hit. So much so, that her song managed to reach 58th spot in the Billboard Hot 100 – no mean feat at all.

Despite the song being a bit of a joke for most, I actually work with a few guys who love the track, so obviously Rebecca was doing something right. Just to give you an idea of the sort of lyrical genius we are talking about though, here are some choice words from Black’s smash hit.


“Kickin’ in the front seat, sittin’ in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take? It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday?”

If you didn’t know Rebecca by name, then I’m sure you recognise the song itself – it was everywhere for a while. Anyway I digress; I’m actually here to let you all know what our resident Friday enthusiast is doing right now in 2016 (flick over the next page to find out what she’s up to).

The post You Won’t Believe What Rebecca Black Is Up To Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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