Fisherman Finds Terrifying Surprise Waiting At The End Of His Line

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As anyone who’s ever been fishing will know, the sport generally involves a lot of sitting around, drinking beer and not catching any fish. So when YouTuber Lance Burgos was casually fishing around St Martinville in Louisiana recently, he certainly wasn’t expecting to catch something completely terrifying at the end of his line.

The video, which Lance shared on his YouTube channel, starts innocently enough. Peddling through the water, he starts to pick up noodles which are dotted around the water. As he pulls on the line, we start to sense that there’s something bigger than expected on the other end.

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Then, as we think we’re about to see a big fish emerge from the water, something completely unexpected rears its ugly head: an alligator. If you’re easily spooked, I’d suggest watching the full video on the next page from behind a pillow and ideally far, far away from any large body of water.

The post Fisherman Finds Terrifying Surprise Waiting At The End Of His Line appeared first on Viral Thread.

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