14 People Who Clearly Don’t Want To Hear Your Opinion

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Sadly, we live in a world where everyone thinks their opinion needs to be heard. Whatever happened to the good old days where freedom of speech was brutally quashed? Of course, I joke. But some people need to know that we don’t care what they think ALL THE TIME.

If only there was a way we could totally ignore these annoying people without being really rude… Actually, scrap that, rude is the only way forward. Here are 14 brilliant – and slightly outrageous – examples of people that totally do not give a shit about what you have to say.

1. Cheeky AF


2. Shhhiiiiiittttttttt


3. What a novel way of earning a little bit of extra cash!


4. #sorrynotsorry


The post 14 People Who Clearly Don’t Want To Hear Your Opinion appeared first on Viral Thread.

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