Crazy Guy Gets Shot In The Leg, Proceeds To Smash The Sh*t Out Of Car

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Are you ready for your daily dose of crazy? Good, because you’ve come to the right place. The internet is home to a plethora of strange videos that no one can explain, highlighting that the world is bursting with some pretty kooky people.

If you are struggling to understand what I mean by that statement check out the guy in grey below. The one doing a karate kick through the window…

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In an extroinary video that is doing the rounds on the internet at the moment, he is seen chasing after two men towards a parked car. One man pulls a gun on him and appears to shoot him in the leg. However, instead of trying to escape, he continues on in his rampage and destroys what is thought to be their vehicle.

Check out the bizarre clip on the next page…

The post Crazy Guy Gets Shot In The Leg, Proceeds To Smash The Sh*t Out Of Car appeared first on Viral Thread.

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