9 Hilarious Photos That’ll Make Your Belly Hurt From Laughing

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If you’re anything like me, you compulsively trawl the internet for hours each day for things to make you laugh. Those reports your boss left on your desk are boring, we get it. Yes, your colleagues are boring. Don’t fret, we understand that the working day is filled with monotony.

Well thankfully for you, we are here to help you through. At Viral Thread, we pride ourselves at being able to find something amusing from the internet in approximately 0.000000001 seconds, so you’re in safe hands if you’re looking for a little frivolity at your desk.

With that thought firmly in mind, here are nine hilarious photos to make sure you don’t fall asleep while *insert boring colleague’s name here* tells you about her son’s penchant for collecting stamps.









How much is your stomach hurting? If you’re still not sore, then you haven’t laughed enough yet. On the next page we have the ammunition to have you laughing for days…

The post 9 Hilarious Photos That’ll Make Your Belly Hurt From Laughing appeared first on Viral Thread.

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