Footage From The Upcoming Tupac Film Just Leaked Online

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If you aren’t already well aware, a film is currently being produced about the life and death of Tupac Shakur. The movie which has been named “All Eyez On Me” wrapped up production earlier this month in the same location where the rapper was gunned down in 96, on Flamingo Road in Las Vegas.

The documentary was named after Tupac’s fourth studio album, released on February 13, 1996. The role of Tupac will be played by first time actor Demetrious Shipp Jr.


It has only been a couple of weeks since filming came to an end and we already have our first glimpse of the film. A short clip has been uploaded of the movie; continue over to the next page to take a peak.

The post Footage From The Upcoming Tupac Film Just Leaked Online appeared first on Viral Thread.

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