Right this moment there is a guy somewhere, insisting to his colleagues that he went to the prom with Beyoncé and they’re all having a good old chuckle and thinking “classic Lyndall Locke, always telling the most ridiculous stories”. Well the story is true, because once upon a time even the biggest stars were average teenagers, wondering what on earth they should wear to the prom and who the hell they should go with.
Finally we got our hands on the photographic evidence and the truth is even Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga were normal looking girls on the night of their proms. Not a single meat dress in sight. Moreover, judging by their outfits, I’m almost certain that none of these celebrities went to design school, nor did they participate in any fashion degree programs. Which is a shame because these photos will last forever…
1. Will Ferrell
It appears the actor may well have been crowned prom Queen.
2. Matthew McConaughey
Who knew there was a time even Matthew McConaughey was uncool.
3. Trey Songz
Looking dapper in black.
4. Kim Kardashian
Kim and her date coordinated their eyebrows for their prom
Over the page Ellen DeGeneres wins the award for most hideous prom dress. I’m assuming she casually attended some accredited online fashion design schools before making it in showbiz because her style has come a long way!
The post Check Out Famous Celebs Way Back At Their High School Proms appeared first on Viral Thread.