Guy Tweets The Most Ridiculous McDonald’s Drive-Thru Story You’ll Ever Hear

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When Josh Raby popped to a McDonald’s drive-thru for a late night milkshake, he excepted just that. His plans involved grabbing a shake and returning back home in no time at all. But instead he managed to get caught up in the strangest event to ever take place in a McDonald’s drive-thru (that we know of, anyway).

Josh Raby experienced the most bizarre milkshake experience ever. So bizarre in fact, he felt the need to tweet the entire thing and believe us when we say, this one’s a page turner…

McDonalds 1

McDonalds 2

McDonalds 3McDonalds 4

It gets way more weird on the next page…

The post Guy Tweets The Most Ridiculous McDonald’s Drive-Thru Story You’ll Ever Hear appeared first on Viral Thread.

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