If You Press This Part Of Your Foot Once A Day, Something Crazy Happens To Your Body

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With the advancement of modern medicine, many people turn to pills to cure all of their aches and pains. Sometimes, taking medicine is exactly what the doctor ordered but I feel that some people have a tendency to rely on western medicine a bit too much. I may not be an avid alternative medicine enthusiast, but there are small things that one could do to improve their health without picking up a bottle of pills.


Some practitioners of alternative medicine swear by acupressure as being the be-all-and-end-all of health remedies. They argue that, among other parts of the body, the LV 3 point on your foot is a powerful multi-purpose booster for all-around health. The LV3, also known as the Tai Chong, can be found near the metatarsal bones in your foot. It stands for Liver 3 because of its connection to the liver meridian. Flip the page for five examples of how the LV3 can influence your body – and how to locate it.

The post If You Press This Part Of Your Foot Once A Day, Something Crazy Happens To Your Body appeared first on Viral Thread.

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