Would you slow down if you were driving towards what looked like a floating pedestrian crossing? We certainly would, and India’s transport minister Nitin Gadkari hopes that millions of other people will too. That’s why he’s proposing the use of these 3D paintings as an alternative form of speed-breaker. And as you can see from the pictures below, these optical illusions are sure to catch your attention.
“We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers,” Gadkari said in a tweet recently.
The idea comes after a decision was made earlier this month to remove all speed-breakers from highways across India. Realising that they posed too much of a danger to high-speed drivers, the government began looking for safer alternatives. It is hoped that the 3D paintings will help to reduce road traffic accidents as India has the highest number of road-related deaths in the world.
More info: Twitter
Image credits: Barcroft Media
Image credits: @nitin_gadkari
Image credits: news.xinhuanet.com
Image credits: english.cri.cn
Image credits: madbutcher