Overweight Guy Transformed Into Ripped Beast By Eating Junk Food

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Pretty much every food lover’s dream is to achieve a banging body whilst scoffing down as many hot dogs and burgers as is humanly possible. I have spent half of my adult life shovelling chips into my mouth whilst simultaneously moaning “why can’t this have the same health benefits as fruit?”

Well one guy, who clearly understands my way of thinking, managed to get his body in tip top shape by eating junk food. Will I be following his diet plan henceforth? Yes, yes I will.

Allow me to introduce you to Adam Moran. Adam claims that indulging in a 10,000 calorie junk food meal every week has given him a ripped body.


Back in the day, Adam had a slightly neglected bod, complete with beer belly and love handles. Now however, he is incredibly ripped and he puts his transformation down to junk food – a diet I feel we can all get on board with. Continue over to the next page to see Adam’s transformation and find out what, exactly, he ate to alter his body in such a drastic way!

The post Overweight Guy Transformed Into Ripped Beast By Eating Junk Food appeared first on Viral Thread.

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