Piers Morgan Slammed Over “Offensive” Comments About Beyoncé’s “Lemonade”

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On Monday, British Daily Mail journalist Piers Morgan shared an article about Beyoncé’s brand new visual album Lemonade. He had some very strong opinions about it (like he does about most things), which seemed to rub a lot of people up the wrong way.

His column opened with an instantly negative vibe and we all knew where it was going: “I never like it when entertainers go all political. The cynic in me believes it’s rarely done for genuine reasons but for strictly commercial ones.”


He gave a strong impression that he doesn’t like Beyoncé’s more recent work: “Beyoncé’s been adding a far more serious, deeply political and race-fuelled tone to her work” and added that “Formation” was “seen, understandably, as an attack on U.S. police.”

Morgan also took issue with mothers who have lost sons at the hands of police officers in America. He was of course referring to Gwen Carr (mother of Eric Garner) and Lesley McSpadden (Mike Brown) who both appear in Lemonade. He said the clips, which also showed Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, made him “uneasy” and called it “shameless exploitation”.

Mothers and sons

Well Beyoncé fans are not happy with what Piers had to say about Beyoncé’s latest work and the backlash has been immense. Continue over the page to sample the wave of messages being sent to Piers Morgan via Twitter.

The post Piers Morgan Slammed Over “Offensive” Comments About Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” appeared first on Viral Thread.

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