Beyoncé’s Album, ‘Lemonade’ Is About Much More Than Infidelity And Jay Z

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It’s only been three days since Beyoncé’s long-awaited album Lemonade dropped, and fans worldwide are going absolutely mental. I may not be the youngest or hippest person on the planet but I do know a smash hit when I see one. But with the album sparking a whole host of controversies and rumours, it’s worth looking at why the media having such a field day with it.

It’s not just because it’s Beyoncé (let’s face it, she’s so cool she deserves to be in the media all the time anyway), but because her album seemed to tell quite a few disturbing truths about her own jealousy and anger.


Most of us have jumped to the conclusion that she is singing about her heartbreak surrounding Jay-Z’s infidelity. In actuality, it’s about so much more than that. Move onto the next page to see exactly what has this Lemonade all shaken up.

The post Beyoncé’s Album, ‘Lemonade’ Is About Much More Than Infidelity And Jay Z appeared first on Viral Thread.

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