Kim Kardashian Shares Raunchy Bedroom Snapchat In Bed With Kanye

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Kim Kardashian isn’t exactly known for keeping her life private from her millions of fans around the world. Her newest Snapchat updates might be some of her most intimate yet, revealing exactly what goes on behind closed doors inside the bedroom of one of the world’s most famous couples.

While on a trip to London and suffering from jet lag, Kim sent Snapchat updates to her millions of followers while her husband Kanye West lay in bed beside her: “It’s four in the morning and I am so tired and I can’t fall asleep.”

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The day before, Kim gave her fans a glimpse inside the typically private experience of a pregnancy scare via Snapchat: “I’m legit in the airplane bathroom and I’m going to take a pregnancy test because I’m having a little bit of a scare. So, no big deal.”


To Kim’s apparent relief, the test eventually revealed that Kim was not pregnant, a fact that she was happy to share with her millions of followers.

It’s no surprise that Kim is a little nervous about making baby number three, since her first pregnancy came with complications. “Every medical issue that you could probably have I feel like I get and I worry so much about it,” she told E! News in November.

But in Kim’s newest Snapchat update, which you can check out over on the next page, it looks like the pair are more than ready to start making baby number three.

The post Kim Kardashian Shares Raunchy Bedroom Snapchat In Bed With Kanye appeared first on Viral Thread.

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