The Seriously Awkward Moment You Find Out Your Brother’s Girlfriend Is A Prostitute

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Families are complicated at the best of times. Unspoken tension and deep-set resentment makes for awkward and uncomfortable birthdays, weddings, and funerals, all of which generally end up in a fight or three. Don’t even get me started on Christmas.

Some families, however, are definitely worse than others. We all know that one family that has more drama than a whole series of Jeremy Kyle, and loves nothing more than posting it all over Facebook for the entire world to see. We’d love to unfriend them, but we just can’t bring ourselves to, because we secretly love it.

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I would imagine the family in video over on the next page are exactly that kind of clan. The video shows a dude yelling out his window at a woman who appears to be his brother’s girlfriend. The woman is quite clearly walking the streets trying to make it as an escort, because I can’t think of any other reason a woman would put herself through the pain of heels that high.

The post The Seriously Awkward Moment You Find Out Your Brother’s Girlfriend Is A Prostitute appeared first on Viral Thread.

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