These Were The Last Words Said By Steve Jobs And They’re Seriously Powerful

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Some days it’s easy to roll out of bed and seize the day by its metaphorical balls, other days we need a little inspiration and motivation to get us through the week. That is part of being human. In fact even the most successful and rich people need some help every now and then.

Richard Branson, who for the record is worth 5.1 billion USD, likes to turn to Steve Jobs’ last words for his daily inspiration.


Steve Jobs, who was the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple, passed away in 2011 but his work ethic is still a constant inspiration to many, even those who already have billions and billions of dollars in their back pockets.

In a recent blog post Richard Branson revealed he often turns to Steve Jobs’ last words for motivation. Before posting the inspirational words onto his website, he added some words of his own: “If you discover something that inspires you, and adds value to your life, then cherish it.”

Continue over the page to read Jobs’ moving last words.

The post These Were The Last Words Said By Steve Jobs And They’re Seriously Powerful appeared first on Viral Thread.

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