Woman Gets The Ultimate Revenge On Ex-Boyfriend Who Wanted Her To Stay Obese

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By now I think we’ve all come to the conclusion that selfies are here to stay. I’ll let that sad fact sink in while I introduce you to a brand new form of selfie that’s been giving ex-boyfriends all over the world many a restless night’s sleep: the revenge selfie.

Christine Carter, 28, went through a perfect case of the revenge selfie when she lost 150 pounds (along with a controlling, jealous boyfriend) in the space of 16 months. At her heaviest, Christine, from Dallas, weighed a whopping 275 pounds. She claimed her boyfriend wouldn’t let her lose the weight – in order to stop her from leaving him.

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She explained: “My ex was very controlling, told me what to wear and I believe he wanted me to be fat so that I wouldn’t leave him. [M]y ex became very insecure and jealous and I gained the confidence to see that I was not in a healthy relationship and needed to get out.” See before and after photos of Christine’s incredible transformation over on the next page.

The post Woman Gets The Ultimate Revenge On Ex-Boyfriend Who Wanted Her To Stay Obese appeared first on Viral Thread.

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