Here’s What ‘Finchy’ From American Pie Looks Like Now

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For all the 90’s movie fans who watched the original American Pie, Finchy was the urbane, loveable, charming member of the group… who eventually got down and dirty with Stifler’s mum. A key member of the ensemble, Finch was the kid who tried to keep his class which still aiming to attract as many women as possible. The polar opposite to the crass and crude Stifler (played by Sean William Scott), Finch was the mature one.

Well have you ever imagined what Finch, or actor Eddie Kaye Thomas (who probably never took an acting class online), looks like now? Well even if you haven’t, we’re going to show you.


Probably my favourite character in the film franchise, Finch did what every young man secretly dreams of… getting with your friend’s hot mum. It only happens to a select few, but it really is the pinnacle for any teenage dreamer. Flick over to the next page to see what our main man Finch looks like these days, and what he is doing career-wise. I’ll give you a clue… he’s not a teacher at a college for acting.

The post Here’s What ‘Finchy’ From American Pie Looks Like Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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