The Man Who Jumped Into The Lion’s Den Reveals Why He Did It

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I believe you’ve all heard about the Chilean man who recently threw himself into a lion enclosure in order to commit suicide. Well if you haven’t, here is a little background. Franco Ferrada, a 20-year-old former soldier, is now recovering in the Santiago hospital Clinica Indisa after his attempt to take his own life ended in failure (and with serious injuries to his face, skull, neck, shoulders and groin).

One of the saddest things about this whole story for me is that the two lions who attacked him were both shot; a crying shame when you remember that these animals were only doing what came naturally to them.


Aside from the fact that Franco chose a rather messy way to meet his maker, there is another interesting twist to the story. “More interesting than being eaten to death by lions?” I hear you cry. Yes, way more interesting. Flick over to the next page to see why young Franco considered himself an agent of the lord.

The post The Man Who Jumped Into The Lion’s Den Reveals Why He Did It appeared first on Viral Thread.

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