The Most Epic Thrift Store Finds Of All Time

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As the great American lyricist Macklemore once said during his smash hit Thrift Shop, “I’m gonna pop some tags. Only got twenty dollars in my pocket. I – I – I’m hunting, looking for a come-up. This is f***ing awesome.” Of course I agree with the sentiment behind the iconic words; thrift shops and online thrift store websites are absolutely amazing places to pick up a certified bargain.

The problem with hunting through the racks at these stores however, is that you’re often confronted with a lot of garbage (which is why people tend to lean towards the best internet deals). Finding a gem is like looking for a needle in a haystack; so much so that bargain-hunting has become an art form in itself. With this in mind, here are some of the most epic thrift store finds of all time.









Macklemore opted for a broken keyboard, but it seems that the bargain hunters on the next page wanted something that actually worked… I don’t really blame them, do you? I think it’s about time someone created some bargain shopping apps to make our lives a whole lot easier.

The post The Most Epic Thrift Store Finds Of All Time appeared first on Viral Thread.

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