This Woman Beat The Hell Out Of A Guy Who Groped Her In An Elevator

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I don’t know what gives anyone the idea that it’s alright to touch someone else’s body without their consent. The whole notion gives me shivers up my spine. But believe it or not, there is something better than the feeling of catching a perpetrator. That is, beating the crap out of them. Recent CCTV footage has been released by People’s Daily – of an incident which occurred inside an elevator in China.

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In the elevator, we see a man and a woman. They are clearly not friends and do not know each other in any way. The man proceeds to stand very closely behind the woman and she moves away from him swiftly. After a few seconds, he tries to move in closer again, this time touching her shoulder. What does she do? She gives him the sweetest taste of karma yet. Watch the video footage on the next page.

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