He Ate McDonald’s Every Single Day And This Is What He Looks Like Now

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Are you hungry for an epic transformation story? Well if you are, you’ve come to the right place. This former junk food addict is highlighting how it’s never too late to turn your life around.

Matthew Murray, from Manchester, England, used to live on a diet of ready meals and fast food. He admitted that every single day he would feast on a McDonald’s or pop to Gregg’s bakery at lunch time. Of course, a diet of this kind had a knock on effect on his waistline – and he saw his weight soar to a whopping 18st 13 lbs.


But then Matthew decided to trade in his sausage rolls for superfoods and McNuggets for green smoothies. As a result, you’ll struggle to recognise him. Flick over to the next page to see the radical change for yourself…

The post He Ate McDonald’s Every Single Day And This Is What He Looks Like Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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