This Is What Rachel’s Toyboy Tag From ‘Friends’ Looks Like Now

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Calling all Friends fans. You all remember Tag right? Of course you do. How could you possibly forget those puppy-dog eyes, that cheeky grin and those outrageous sideburns?

Dreamboat Jones was Rachel’s toyboy for several episodes back at the start of the Noughties. He worked as her office assistant, had a similar taste in red jumpers to Ross and was famously “so pretty, I want to cry.”


Sadly the relationship didn’t work out between the pair after Anniston’s character decided he was a little too young for her. I think we all saw that coming, but it was still a sad day for every female (and many males) with a pulse when he left the programme.


The sitcom finished many moons ago *wipes away tear from face* and Tag’s time on the show came to an end even sooner. But what is the actor who played him, Eddie Cahill, doing these days? Find out on the next page…

The post This Is What Rachel’s Toyboy Tag From ‘Friends’ Looks Like Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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