You’ve clicked on this article for a reason – you want to see the disturbing footage that is a bunch of maggots eating a man’s brain. OK, maybe you don’t want to see it but you are, in some way, intrigued – as was I. But it wouldn’t be fair for me not to put an additional warning label on content of this nature, so here it is: this video is highly unsuitable for those who have a weak stomach and it’s definitely NSFW. Anything that you see or watch from this point on is at your own discretion.
Now that that’s out of the way, the video is short and sweet (it’s not actually sweet), but it is short thank God. It shows a man, who is 100 per cent alive, with a massive hole in his head. Inside the hole, maggots and larvae can be seen.
The man, who is reportedly from South America, is living with a condition called cerebral myiasis – an infection of fly larvae in the brain. Only eight cases of this condition have been reported in humans. Without further ado, watch the video over the page.
The post This Video Of Maggots Eating Man’s Brain Is Most NOPE Thing You’ll Ever See appeared first on Viral Thread.