Twin Sisters Give Birth To Daughters In Same Hospital Just Minutes Apart

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Sometimes there are these coincidences in life that just make you sit up and take notice, which is exactly why this story from New Jersey is so interesting. Twin sisters Stephanie Edginton and Nicole Montgomery were born only three minutes apart themselves, but managed to welcome their respective daughters on the same day.

With the two cousins born a mere six minutes apart on Monday at the Viruta Hospital in Voorhees, it seems this family is frighteningly in sync.

Speaking about the freakish coincidence, Edginton said she was actually overdue when she delivered her baby, making the whole event even more strange.


“We actually had a doctor’s appointment today because we were due on Friday,” she told ABC’s Philadelphia station WPVI-TV. “We got there and they were like ‘you have to go to the hospital’ and we get a call that Nicole and Rich are on their way, too.”

I know twins are supposed to have a telepathic understanding, but pushing out their babies at the same time is a little bit ridiculous. Can’t deny that the two new families look cute AF though.

The post Twin Sisters Give Birth To Daughters In Same Hospital Just Minutes Apart appeared first on Viral Thread.

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