You Won’t Believe How Much Just One Episode Of Game Of Thrones Costs To Make

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Game Of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on TV, and it’s easy to see why. The incredible CGI, dramatic storylines, and inclination towards nudity are guaranteed to make for a smasher of a show.

Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly how much money making such a brilliant programme costs to make? Unsurprisingly, the answer is: a lot of money. The costs are growing with each season, meaning that by the time the show wraps, it’ll almost definitely be the most expensive show ever made.


However it’s not the cost of the incredible actors that makes Game of Thrones one of the most expensive shows on TV, but the CGI effects. Head over to the next page to reveal exactly how much each eye-wateringly expensive episode costs to make.

The post You Won’t Believe How Much Just One Episode Of Game Of Thrones Costs To Make appeared first on Viral Thread.

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