If you know anything about technology, you’ll know that getting the right kit can be a tricky business. With all the price comparison sites out there, it can be a nightmare trying to settle on exactly which piece of tech you should be investing in.
So when Best Buy decided to sell a USB cable for $1459.99, you can bet reviewers were pleased with the cable’s value for money and brilliant data transferring abilities. Not. It’s not yet clear if the product’s price was simply a human error, or if AudioQuest really expect people to pay more than the cost of an iPhone for a product almost every one of us already own.
Whatever the case, the product’s reviews were predictably brilliant, written in the particular brand of sarcasm reserved for YouTube comments and Bill Murray’s standup. Head over to the next page to read a selection of the very best.
The post Best Buy Is Selling This USB Cable For $1,500 And You Need To Read The Reviews appeared first on Viral Thread.