Roni Rose Caught Lusting After Stephen Curry And The Twitter Commentary Is Everything

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As all you basketball fans will already know, the Golden State Warriors beat the Cleveland Cavaliers on Monday night – but it wasn’t their killer win that’s got everyone talking. Warriors point guard Steph Curry was treated to his own little performance thanks to a certain woman in the stands, known to her 125,000 Instagram followers as Roni Rose.

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After TV host TJ Beisner posted a screen grab on Twitter of Rose giving Curry the eyes (and the tongue), the twitterverse went bananas with accusations and counter-arguments centred around the fact that Curry may be cheating on his wife.

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Roni posted the screengrab on her own Instagram account along with the caption: “Sooo I was just drinking my drink and this happened. I’m just giving the boys a little motivation I guess. Go warriors lol.”

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You can check out the video of exactly what happened over on the next page, and judge is Steph if playing away for yourself.

The post Roni Rose Caught Lusting After Stephen Curry And The Twitter Commentary Is Everything appeared first on Viral Thread.

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