Calvin Harris And Taylor Swift Finally Speak Out About Their Break-Up

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By now, Taylor Swift has had more breakups than I’ve had hot dinners. The latest in a long list that includes the likes of Harry Styles, Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner and Zac Efron, is “We Found Love” hitmaker Calvin Harris.

Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift were together for a grand total of 15 months, before finally telling the world they’d broken up on Thursday. In my opinion, their breakup may have had something to do with that fact that Calvin was snapped exiting a Thai massage parlour on Los Angeles boulevard with a shifty expression on his face.

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The official version of events tells a little less scandalous story. A source close to the pair told E! entertainment: “This all happened last week. Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there any more for them. Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion. Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication.”


Calvin and Taylor finally broke their silence on the matter with a series of tweets and retweets that broke down how things ended in a little more detail. You can check out what went down over on the next page.

The post Calvin Harris And Taylor Swift Finally Speak Out About Their Break-Up appeared first on Viral Thread.

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