Leonardo DiCaprio Has A New ‘Serious Girlfriend’ And She’s As Hot As You’d Expect

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I’m not sure there is a beautiful woman in the whole world that Leonardo DiCaprio hasn’t been romantically linked with. You name her, Leo’s probably dated her. Before his Oscar win this year, I used to feel bad for the poor guy. I refused to dislike him for his string of sexy ladies, because his acting career wasn’t getting the recognition it deserved. Now he’s got his trophy however, the gloves are off.

Leo is dating another smoking lady, and this time I’m annoyed. Linked with pop goddess Rihanna recently, it seems Leo has had his attention grabbed by a lovely model from Essex, UK.


Roxy Horner might not be a household name like RiRi, but she seems to have snapped up Leo’s heart. DiCaprio, 41, flew to the UK to meet her on Tuesday; they then went dancing at Tape nightclub, before heading to trendy London haunt (and celebrity trap), the Chiltern Firehouse. On the next page, we hear from a source regarding Leo and Roxy’s night out, as well as seeing some snaps of the lady herself.

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