Milk spots are one of the world’s most common skin problems, affecting more than three million Americans each year. The technical term used by dermatologists to describe these annoying little white bumps is milia. These bumps most often affect babies, however people of all ages have reported to suffer from milk spots and have had difficulty removing them.
Usually seen around the nose and eyes, these bumps happen when keratin — the protein that forms the outside layer of human skin — clogs up and forms a cyst just beneath the skin.
Skin experts still aren’t completely sure why this so-called “baby acne” appears in newborns, but some doctors think it’s to do with abnormalities in the mother’s hormones or the little one’s undeveloped skin glands. Adults can develop milk spots for a variety of reasons that usually involve some sort of skin damage including sunburn, blisters, the use of steroid creams and more serious procedures, such as lasers and dermabrasion.
If all of this has you breaking out in bumps, then click through to the next page to see the various treatments people have tried to rid themselves of milk spots.
The post Ever Noticed These Small White Bumps On Your Eyelids? This Is What They Mean appeared first on Viral Thread.