Ridiculous Moment Guy Gets Ticketed For Broken Windshield As He’s Getting It Repaired

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Having a cracked windshield is probably one of the most stressful things that could ever happen to your car. Not only does it cost a bomb to fix, you have to drive to the car repair shop with the looming fear that the glass is going to come shattering all over your face and arms any minute.

A Colorado man recently found himself in exactly this situation, but instead of simply getting it fixed, he ended up getting a ticket for driving an unsafe car. Where was he given the ticket? In the parking lot of the car repair shop, of all places.

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Nick Berlin explained that kids had vandalised his car, resulting in a broken windshield. As soon as he could get an appointment to have it fixed, he headed over to the glass repair shop. Just as he drove into the parking lot, a police officer pulled him over. Head over to the next page to find out what happened next.

The post Ridiculous Moment Guy Gets Ticketed For Broken Windshield As He’s Getting It Repaired appeared first on Viral Thread.

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