Students Stage Inspiring Braless Protest In Support Of Sexist Dress Code

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Most schools have a dress code that students must stick to. Understandably, most dress codes don’t have an underwear section, since if worn correctly, no one should be able to see what you’re wearing underneath your clothes. The dress code at senior Kaitlyn Juvik’s school is no different to most, which is why she was shocked when she was told her lack of bra was offending a fellow student, and that she must cover up or else.

She later wrote a Facebook post about the incident, which has since been deleted in an attempt to avoid internet trolls:

“If anyone is curious, THIS is the shit I was wearing when I was called out!!! not see through, not inappropriate! and you definitely cannot tell I’m not wearing a bra unless you’re looking VERY hard! I was most definitely not wearing anything that was against the dress code!”


Since the post, Kaitlyn has created a Facebook page titled No Bra, No Problem which has gained thousands of likes, and staged a no bra protest at her school: Helena High School in Montana.

Tammi’s mother wrote the following comment on Facebook in support of her daughter:

“I stand behind my daughter 100%! I am very proud of the point she is trying to make and the movement that she and her friends have created. This movement is not just about wearing/not wearing a bra. Our daughters are body shamed and sexualized on a daily basis.

“We need to teach them to be comfortable in their own skin and not feel like they have to hide under their clothes. The schools have bigger fish to fry than worrying about whether or not my daughter is wearing a bra! Ask your daughters if they wear a bra on a regular basis, I think you will be surprised by the answer!”

Head over to the next page to see a video of Kaitlyn’s no bra protest, which took place outside Helena High School on Friday.

The post Students Stage Inspiring Braless Protest In Support Of Sexist Dress Code appeared first on Viral Thread.

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