Wife Chops Off Cheating Husband’s Penis With Boxcutter, It Doesn’t End Well

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We have all heard of the horror films where a wild killer goes on a spree unleashing guts, blood and gore. From psycho killers to psycho wives, there’s not much that amazes us anymore. But what happens when a real life psycho wife takes it to the next level? This is an actual horror story – if you’re squeamish I warn you to look away now.

In the tourist loving town of Pattaya, Thailand, police were called to investigate a scene that looked like it came straight out of a horror film. They arrived to find a Thai man, known as Somchai, sat on a pavement holding his crotch, covered in blood.


Somchai was losing blood rapidly, and it was certainly not your average injury. But what exactly went down? Find out what happened to him on the next page.

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