Parents Send Teen To Gay Conversion Camp, Her Extended Family Do This To Help Her Escape

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It is sadly the case that sexuality is still an topic widely disagreed on, and it’s quite obviously evident in this particular story. You’d think it being 2016 that there’d be some progress with this kind of sexuality discussion, but this story proves that it’s just not the case.

This is a story of inequality but also one of hope and promise. What’s even better is that you can help Sarah and her unfortunate situation, and trust us when we say you’ll want to. Read on to find more about Sarah, and the situation she’s found herself in.


Introducing Sarah from East Texas. She’s 17, is in the top 10% of her class and is gay. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Her parents had a different idea after hearing Sarah’s prom idea. So what exactly is it that Sarah needs to be saved from? Find out on the next page what happened between Sarah and her parents, and the internet community.

The post Parents Send Teen To Gay Conversion Camp, Her Extended Family Do This To Help Her Escape appeared first on Viral Thread.

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