This Family Cosplays Together, And The Force Is Really Strong With Them

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Were you at the Salt Lake City Comic Con FanXperience? If so, you might have spied an adorable couple dressed as Finn and Rey, from the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens film. Victor Sine and his fianc̩e, Julianne Payne, spent months preparing their costumes for the comic convention, with Payne only trying out the final costume on the day of the event; 11-month-old Addie went as BB-8. Perhaps surprisingly, Sine, who grew up in the UK, had never seen Star Wars before moving to the US Рhe grew up on a steady diet of Dr. Who and BBC shows!

“I always go to Salt Lake Comic Cons, and I wanted Jules and Addie to join in with me on cosplaying,” Sine told TODAY. “After we saw the movie we were in love with John Boyega (Finn)! We loved Daisy (Ridley, who plays Rey) and thought BB-8 was the cutest droid. It was obvious to us at that point that Jules and I were going to cosplay as Finn and Rey —and then we later thought Addie would be a cute ‘Baby-8.'”

More info: (h/t: neatorama)









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