Knitted Wonder Woman Sweater That’ll Make You Look Super

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Every superhero has a weakness. for Superman it’s Kryptonite. For Iron Man it’s his heart condition. And for Wonder Woman it’s her inability to knit a decent sweater. Sad but true. Fortunately for her however, Natalie Bursztyn is awesome at making superhero sweaters and she’s knitted one just for Wonder Woman.

The sweater is made from Cascade Hollywood Yarn so that it shimmers (just like a superhero sweater should), and the good news is that she’s kindly made the pattern available for download on Ravelry. Just print it off and knit yourself your very own piece of cozy Wonder Woman attire. Not a woman? Who cares!

We’re really hoping she takes requests because Bored Panda would love to see a fully knitted Batman onesie. Or perhaps just a knitted pair of Superman’s iconic underpants. Or maybe that’s just me…

More info: Ravelry | Natalie Bursztyn (h/t: Geek Girls)





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