My Rescue Dogs Become Best Friends With Rescue Ducklings

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All our adorable dogs are rescue. Pikelet was saved from death row at just 5 weeks old and joined our family. He was not just good around our foster puppies rather he was quite incredible. Bonding almost straight away, Pikelet has a knack for welcoming orphaned puppies and teaching them how to dog.

Later one more puppy Patty Cakes poined our family. He was an old soul in a squishy, perfectly adorable bull-breed mix puppy body.

March this year and we were once again offered the opportunity to foster for Wollongong Animal Rescue Network. Only this time it wasn’t orphaned puppies we would be fostering it was two baby orphaned ducklings! Penguin & Popinjay (as we have named them) are now approx 4 weeks old. Ducklings will be adopted as a pair and we will of course be asking for Patty’s, who took over their mom role, approval in finding the perfect forever home.

Patty & Pikey take a lot of pride and care with their day to day duck duties. They eat, sleep and play together. We often visit a local park where both the pups & ducks can run and play and we even visit the small harbour dog beach where everyone can enjoy a swim together on really hot days.

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Pikelet was saved from death row at just 5 weeks old and joined our family

Later one more puppy Patty Cakes was welcomed into our family. He was an old soul in a squishy, perfectly adorable bull-breed mix puppy body

March this year and we were once again offered the opportunity to foster for Wollongong Animal Rescue Network

Only this time it wasn’t orphaned puppies we would be fostering it was two baby orphaned ducklings!


Penguin & Popinjay (as we have named them) are now approx 4 weeks old


They have a lot of adoption interest and it’s looking like they’ll be off to a new forever home in just over a week

Patty decided right there on the spot that these babies needed him

And so he took them under his ‘wing’ and became Mr. Mum!

Pikelet wasn’t that happy with newcomers, but soon got over it and befriended little ducklings


Patty & Pikey take a lot of pride and care with their day to day duck duties

They eat, sleep and play together

And we even visit the small harbour dog beach where everyone can enjoy a swim together on really hot days

Since becoming a little famous, this foursome have featured in newspapers around the world

We are very happy with our beautiful happy family and we’re looking forward on what’s waiting for us in the future

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